See Your Guide

    ~with Dale Kelloway~



“Dale Kelloway is an amazing medium, artist and teacher. My guide was one of the first Dale created. The messages received while creating my guide were both comforting and inspirational. My guide does provide me with an air of peace and calmness. I have called upon my guide at times and have had my request answered. Most important is how I now deal with life and its stresses. I am at a comfortable place in my life and I attribute some of this to my friendship with Dale and her ability and desire to enlighten me regarding the world of personal guides and angels” ~PEARL HALL~

“Dale’s angel paintings are truly a gift from spirit, a new age way of receiving guidance from the masters. My angel protects me and brings me messages from the future and lessons from the past. They can open a new window of wonder. You will have a new best friend for life if you have one.”      

“Dale Kelloway is a remarkable spirit artist and medium. I feel very blessed to have received portraits of two wise spirit teachers and a glorious angel from her. The messages she shared from them were very accurate and insightful. This wise and engaging woman is helping to evolve consciousness on our planet one portrait at a time. 

“I met Dale as a neighbour. Little did I know that she had some amazing abilities. Both my partner and myself have had the joy of receiving spirit drawings from her. The messages from spirit were very helpful. It’s fun and exciting to watch this talented artist’s work evolve. Her spirit portraits are becoming so popular – I know that some day I can say I knew her when – her star is on the rise”

“I heard about Dale through a friend who had a portrait done. They were so excited about it my curiosity was heightened. To lay eyes upon an angel is something we only dream about. When receiving my angel I was thrilled. No one can imagine how wonderful it is until you have your own drawing revealed by Dale”